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Photo: Olof Plym Forshell |
TRIVIAL 2015 – ongoing
I have long-term practice of investigating what trivial choreography is and what role it plays. It is born out of a need to think, sense and understand through choreography, dance, movement and sound. The exploration of the trivial choreography has been performed with a practice that has liberated me from the fact that my creative life would be dependent on an unreliable financial support, which in my situation is untenable. It is an ongoing process that is in dialogue with various situations and cares for the interpersonal relationships in them
How can dance and choreography from different situations occupy space?
Trivial, The dying swan, Road dance and My contribution are included in the trivial choreography work, titel shifting as the situation is shifting.
Trivial performances:
- at a Critical practise: Between art and life at C.off/ cap The simple premise is that life do not happen after or before art. At the same time it would be a too big, and too risky device to claim that the two are synonymous. How does then the land in between art and life look like? And what can we learn from meeting there? 8 December 2018. Organizers: c.off/ ccap, FSL, in collaboration with ABF Stockholm och med stöd av Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Östermalms stadsdelsförvaltning.
- Festival "Två veckor i maj" 17 MAY 2018, Teater Tribunalen, Stockholm
- Group exhibition Salon Tensta, Experiment Akalla, February 19 – 21, 2016
- Tensta dansar, festival, September 25- 26, Oktober 4, 2015
- Group exhibition "If the place is still there - a homage to Nisse Zetterberg", the community House Högdalens folkets hus. About the importance of public art, which is free from capital - the idea of an exhibition in honour of Nisse Zetterberg and of the common space. June 2–7, 2015.
The dying swan - function, soul and middlezone, the Trivial version
Original music composed by: Camille Saint-Saëz, original choreography by Michel Fokine for the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
- International womens day celebrations 8 March, 2019, Blå huset, Tensta, Concept and production by Lotta Gahrton
Choreography and dance: Tanja Tuurala
Cello: Kati Raitinen
Harp: Miriam Klein Strandberg
- Alla hjärtans konsert, Valentines day concert Kulturscenen, Järfälla, Stockholm, with Symphonyorchestra of Järfälla and conductor Wille Sundling. 10 FEBRUARI 2018
ROAD DANCE performances:
A project with Kvinnocenter Tensta-Hjulsta; Womens centre Tensta - Hjulsta. An investigation of the relationship between process and product. How can choreography, movement, dance, be done? What connections arise in this specific encounter? A fluctuation of audience position and performer position. Concept, choreography, dance and audience: Tanja Tuurala. Dance and audience: Dance and audience: The participating women of Kvinnocenter Tensta-Hjulsta, prefered not to be named. Music: "Bergen sörjer" av OFF HIGHWAY, www.offhighway.se With support from: Stockholm stad, Kvinnocenter i Tensta- Hjulsta and ABF bildningsförbund. 8 DECEMBER 2017. Tensta dansar festival, Blå Huset, Tensta
- Womens day celebration in colab. With Women's Center in Tensta-Hjulsta, MARCH 8, 2017. In collaboration with ABF and Blå Huset in Tensta.
- Venue: FlamencoFredag April 21, 2017. In collaboration with Pygméteatern, Stockholm.
- Venue: Hjulsta high school, Tensta dansar festival. September 14, 21 and 24 2016.
My contribution performances:
The aching body. The unimpressive dance. Very little flowing movements. A battle between the eager dancer and the dancer who gives up the trying to flow. Low stamping sound.
Choreography and dance: Tanja Tuurala, Guitar: Per Lenner
Arts of the world festival, Etnografiska museet, Stockholm 6 MAY 2017, PRODUCTION AND CONCEPT: Lotta Gahrton, produced in collaboration with Sensus and the Ethnographic museum
Trivial, The dying swan, Road dance and My contribution are included in the trivial choreography work, titel shifting as the situation is shifting.
Trivial performances:
- at a Critical practise: Between art and life at C.off/ cap The simple premise is that life do not happen after or before art. At the same time it would be a too big, and too risky device to claim that the two are synonymous. How does then the land in between art and life look like? And what can we learn from meeting there? 8 December 2018. Organizers: c.off/ ccap, FSL, in collaboration with ABF Stockholm och med stöd av Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Östermalms stadsdelsförvaltning.
- Festival "Två veckor i maj" 17 MAY 2018, Teater Tribunalen, Stockholm
- Group exhibition Salon Tensta, Experiment Akalla, February 19 – 21, 2016
- Tensta dansar, festival, September 25- 26, Oktober 4, 2015
- Group exhibition "If the place is still there - a homage to Nisse Zetterberg", the community House Högdalens folkets hus. About the importance of public art, which is free from capital - the idea of an exhibition in honour of Nisse Zetterberg and of the common space. June 2–7, 2015.
The dying swan - function, soul and middlezone, the Trivial version
Original music composed by: Camille Saint-Saëz, original choreography by Michel Fokine for the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
- International womens day celebrations 8 March, 2019, Blå huset, Tensta, Concept and production by Lotta Gahrton
Choreography and dance: Tanja Tuurala
Cello: Kati Raitinen
Harp: Miriam Klein Strandberg
- Alla hjärtans konsert, Valentines day concert Kulturscenen, Järfälla, Stockholm, with Symphonyorchestra of Järfälla and conductor Wille Sundling. 10 FEBRUARI 2018
ROAD DANCE performances:
A project with Kvinnocenter Tensta-Hjulsta; Womens centre Tensta - Hjulsta. An investigation of the relationship between process and product. How can choreography, movement, dance, be done? What connections arise in this specific encounter? A fluctuation of audience position and performer position. Concept, choreography, dance and audience: Tanja Tuurala. Dance and audience: Dance and audience: The participating women of Kvinnocenter Tensta-Hjulsta, prefered not to be named. Music: "Bergen sörjer" av OFF HIGHWAY, www.offhighway.se With support from: Stockholm stad, Kvinnocenter i Tensta- Hjulsta and ABF bildningsförbund. 8 DECEMBER 2017. Tensta dansar festival, Blå Huset, Tensta
- Womens day celebration in colab. With Women's Center in Tensta-Hjulsta, MARCH 8, 2017. In collaboration with ABF and Blå Huset in Tensta.
- Venue: FlamencoFredag April 21, 2017. In collaboration with Pygméteatern, Stockholm.
- Venue: Hjulsta high school, Tensta dansar festival. September 14, 21 and 24 2016.
My contribution performances:
The aching body. The unimpressive dance. Very little flowing movements. A battle between the eager dancer and the dancer who gives up the trying to flow. Low stamping sound.
Choreography and dance: Tanja Tuurala, Guitar: Per Lenner
Arts of the world festival, Etnografiska museet, Stockholm 6 MAY 2017, PRODUCTION AND CONCEPT: Lotta Gahrton, produced in collaboration with Sensus and the Ethnographic museum