A party? A performance? A flamencohappening?
Concept, choreography: Tanja Tuurala
Dance, development: Tina Wezelius Grebacken, Pia Pohjakallio, Tanja Tuurala
Music/sound: Produced by the dancers
Costume: Maria Lundqvist och Emelie Hult
In collaboration with FlamencoFredagWith support of KulturRådet och Stockholms Stad
Performances as part of Tensta Dansar Gullingeskolan (2), Ellen key skolan (2) Kista grundskola (2) Husbygårdskolan (2) Järva, Sthlm
Hallonbergen centrum, Sundbyberg
Other: Björnbodaskolan, Vällingby, Sthlm
A session in a circle
Koreograf i Fru Sorg, bearbetning och regi Nina Jeppsson
Strindbergs Intima Teater 18 mars - 2 april 2023
A Loop pedal, basketball sounds and movement, a bunch of kids.
Concept, choreography, performance: Tanja Tuurala
27/8 Tensta konsthall - Block party
A party? A performance? A flamencohappening?
VadQueWhat investigates flamenco in a Stockholm sight with its corners and connections. What is its implication in a specific space and contemporarity. The audience is a cocreator, with its presence or maybe also dance!
YOU are invited.
In collaboration with FlamencoFredag
With support of KulturRådet och Stockholms Stad
Tanja Tuurala - Staging, concept, choreography, dance
Tina Wezelius Grebacke - choreography, dance
Pia "del Norte" Pohjakallio - choreography, dance
Maria Lundqvist, Emelie Hult - costume
Guests: Gabriela Gutarra and Souzana Volioti
Tensta centrum 8/3 18.30 as part of Världens danskonst krokar arm organized by Lotta Gahrton Prod.
Dansens dag 29/4 Sharing work in progress and Flashmob with flamenco community Druvan, Kungsholmen
Kulturvaket, Edsbergs slott, Sollentuna 20/5, guest Gabriela Gutarra
Sprallen, Stockholm 12/6 guest Souzana Volioti
Parkleken Ådalen, Vällingby 17/6
Dancer in "De första fem"by Lotta Gahrton Prod. January - May 2022 & april 2023
Dancer in Kvinnors röst by Lotta Gahrton Prod. September 2021
Dancer, creator in Zonen, tredje muttern.
Zonen is established by stageartist Nina Jeppsson and composer, professor Kent Olofsson. Zonen is an artistic research project that takes off from the filmmaker Tarjkovskijs work. The themes are moving around time, space and hidden dimentions.
Stockholm May 2021 & performance at "Orion flyttar ut", Orionteatern 3 September.
Zonen film and live concert: 30/6 - 2/7, Ställbergs gruva
Choreographer in: Till Kärlekens Antarktis
Director, actor: Nina Jeppsson
Text: Nina Jeppsson, Sara Stridsberg
Musik & Ljudscenografi: Kent Olofsson
Videoscenografi: Johannes Ferm Winkler
The Royal Dramatic Theatre "Dramaten", Stockholm September 2020
Kultaseni, min kära
Reflections and memories of Soleá Online.
Soundscape: Anu Silvennoinen, David Sorroche, Tanja Tuurala
Choreography, dance: Tanja Tuurala
Choreography, sound, dance: Tanja Tuurala
Övning I omvandling,del 2 (excercise in transformation part 2) - Salong Tensta. January 2014 - Performance and workshop with and by dance worker Tanja Tuurala, that examines the theme of resistance. What happens with art that departs from other questions that entertainment.
The interactive performance takes its starting point in the artwork Time_Space Shuttle, Apollo Pavilion by Peter Geschwind and Thomas Elovsson. The sculpture represents a place for a common history that binds us together.
Musician: Robin Spurrier.
Tensta konsthall
Salong Tensta is a jury selected presentation with Tensta as a theme. Members of jury: Maria Lantz, photogrpher and principal Konstfack; Adam Tensta, hiphopartist and Ulrika Flink, assistent curator Tensta konsthall.
Övning i omvandling (excercise in transformation part 1) - Salong TenstaA conscious questioning of the learned. An eternal practice. Maybe new knowledge? But from time to time the fall back in to the system, in thought, in mind, in will. Is it in the fall the transformation is produced?
Choreography, dance: Tanja Tuurala
Musician: Robin Spurrier, member of Jordbro stadsteater (city theatre of Jordbro)
Tensta konsthall den 20.11.2013
Through the means of flamenco take part in illustrating experiences and affect structures.
In collaborations.
- Queerfeminist och antirasist Performance Festival, Fria Teatern, Stocksholm, April 2013. Collaborators: Indra Linderoth performance artist, Kvinnocenter (Womens centre) Tensta-Hjulsta och Libanesiska familjeföreningen (Libanes familyorganisation).
- Inauguration of Jordbro Stadsteater (Jordbro citytheatre) September 2012. Musician: Robin Spurrier, piano
- Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design September 2012. Musician: Robin Spurrier, piano
One of the artistic directors of the QueerFeminist Artist Association, TIR Performance. TIR defined itself as a feminist artist collective that consistently works with expressing stories of opposition, 2011 - 2013.
Works in selection:
SIFAV + TIR Accommodation monologue Konsthall C – Feminist art gallery October 19–20
TIR – Sidewalk position or Up your ass - a non fictional show International Performance Art festival, Copenhagen November 22–25, 2012 and at Jordbro stadsteater, August 28, 2012
The excursion, Barnens Ö, September 1
TIR vs Men as a group – fall on your knees my dear and kiss the earth
STOFF Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Tensta konsthall, Stockholm, Feminists in space festival, Copenhagen, Unga Klara bar, Stockholm
Musician: Anna Petry, violin
A choreographic contemplation based on the exhibition Arvet (heritage also meaning wound)
10/5 2012 Light hall, Haninge cityhall
18/8 2012 Library of Uppsala
FLAMEN_Co 2 x 1
Two artists, Tanja Tuurala from Stockholm, Sweden and Olga Chalkidou from Athens, Greece create an artistic dialogue as part of a two-week studio based research project. The project is taking place in both countries. The dialogue focuses on their mutual interest: flamenco in dialogue with contemporary dance and the aspects of meeting. It is a dialogue between two artists with a shared interest but who bring different approaches and personal resources. 2011
Guest artist in the group Amaro Dzambiba/ARÅ Roma music and flamenco group based in Helsinki. 2010 - 2011. Festivals in Eskisltuna and Helsinki, Finland
A new interpretation of Yvonne Rainers legendary choreography Trio A, premiered in Judson dance theatre, New York 1966. In Trio ABC the choreography is moved in time and space to the political and social context of Tensta year 2010. With and by: Rani Alhallak and Tanja Tuurala.
Coproduction Tensta Konsthall.
Möteskraft på gränsen.UNLIMITED
Community dance, a meeting project between people from different socioeconomical contexts in the city of Stockholm, Katarina – Sofia district and Spånga – Tensta district. In collaboration with dancer, choreograper Karolina Jackson.
Stockholm tour 2006.
Support by: Konstfack, Spånga-Tensta and Katarina-Sofia district administrations.
Spreading out roses, roses from my fingers
Choreography: Tanja Tuurala
Dance: Karolina Jackson, Lilia Riggio, Tanja Tuurala.
Perfromances: Tensta Kulturkafé och Mäster Olofsgården (cultural centre), Stortorget Gamla Stan, Stockholm.
Support by: Tensta kulturkommitté (culturecommity), 2005
Tjuren, månen och klädnypan (The bull, the moon and the clothespin)
Choreography and dance: Tanja Tuurala.
Performances:Dansens Hus i Stockholm, konference Partnerskap för multietnisk integration, Happening Återkomsten and Hagfors Week of Arts for children, 2003
Choreographer, Communitydance company. Performing locally and internorth.
Videodance and liveperformance
With support by: Spånga-Tensta stadsdelsförvaltning, Mångfaldens Museum
Selected participator to Le Concours Media Danse International Grand Prix Carina Ari i Paris 2000.
In collaborations with musicians: Erik Steen, Soma Catomeris, Ellen Pontara, Angeles Gómez.
Colaboration with artist Carme Malaret (Barcelona) “Empremtes de desig”, Part of touring exhibition “Flamenc XXI Expressions“ , 2000
Dancer in:
Choreography Anu Silvennoinen
Helsinki: Taideyliopisto
23.4.2016, 3.3.2016 - 5.3.2016
23.4.2016 & 24.4.2016
IMPROV THE MOVE House of culture, Kulturhuset Lakeside in Haninge, Initiated by Emelie Empo Enlund, 23.4.2016 & 24.4.2016, juni 2013.
Kultur i vården (Arts in healthcare programme) Cia Danza Flamenca 2013
Rörelser a café programme, concept by Angeles Gómez. År 2006-2007
Fascinadas Cia Danza Flamenca, choreographer Kaari Martin,
Underground meets overground festival, MDT 2007.
Flamenco Jukebox choreographer Kaari Martin,
Moderna dansteatern, April 2006
Nya vindar, choreographer Kaari Martin
Performance in Umeå 2006
Cia En Aguas production Per Una Dona, Choreographer Lourdes Culebras
Cornella de llobregat, Barcelona, 2000.
Acting and Other:
The Miracle in Tensta (Theoria) by Magnus Bärtås, artist, filmmaker and writer
Acting/ reading.
The Miracle in Tensta (Theoria) is a wayward description of how the Virgin Mary appeared in Tensta summer of 2012. Part of the research – based project The New Model. An enquiry initiated by Maria Lind and Lars Bang Larsen in 2011.
11.6-28.9 2014 Tensta konsthall.
9.5-22.11 2015 Biennale di Venezia
Eight acts of politics of listening, Tensta konsthall
Inauguration piece. 31 oktober 2013. Project was initiated by Petra Bauer, artist, filmmaker and researcher and Sofia Wiberg. In collaboration inbetween Sarah Degerhammar, Tanja Tuurala och Kvinnocenter i Tensta-Hjulsta.
Actor in: Tänä iltana Aleksis Kivi (Tonight Aleksis Kivi)
Uusi teatteri/Nya teatern, August – December 2002.
Director: Tapio Aarre-Ahtio. Dramaturg: Anna-Maria Ingerö.
Performers: Kaija Kiiski, Tanja Tuurala, Tapio Aarre-Ahtio, Seppo Lintunen, Heikki Oranen ja Pablo Seppä
Premiered Oktober 2002 Stockholm toured in Sweden.