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Tanja Tuurala

                                             Photo: Monica Sihlen 

Artist and creator based in choreography, dance, performance, movement. Pedagogue in dance, performance and collaborations. Geographical base is in Stockholm, Tensta.

Tanja works, creates and lives with choreography, movement, dance in multiple ways. A thinking, a creating, an artistic practice.
She is a Flamenco, Hiphop and Clown explorer which is often reflected in her work.

Choreography and dance is the movement in itself, its dynamics, quality, an engaging in the other, spirituality, a not knowing, knowing. It is an exploring of how it has to be practiced depending on context/ space and relations.
Tanjas work is highly situation based, departing from choreography and movement but can include other means, if that is requiered by the situation/process.

As a dancer/performer she has worked with Lotta Gahrton (SWE), Nina Jeppsson (SWE), Kaari Martin (FIN), Lourdes Culebras (SPA) and as a member of TIR (SWE).

Exploring new methods in participatory online work in collaboration with Ana Sanchez - Colberg (PR) and Harpa Dögg-Kjartansdóttir (ICE)

She also works with choreography for theatre plays, lately in work by Nina Jeppsson.

Tanja Tuurala is one of the initiators and member of counsel of Tensta Dansar, a free moving network of dancers and choreographers that collaborate in promoting dance and choreography as an art form and alternative for living in Tensta and Järva. It is also a plattform for artistic inquiry, evolution and experience.

Academic and off academic studies: In her youth Tanja was member of one of the first Streetdance groups in Sweden called 9 Degrees, founded by Gabriel Moraga. Bachelor of the arts in contemporary dance,  Trinity Laban Conservatoire of music and dance, London. Studies at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona in contemporary dance. During this time she continued her flamenco exploration, in Stockholm, London, Institut del Teatre and Escuela de flamenco y baile Espanol José de la Vega, in Barcelona.
In 2005-2007 she entered to studies in Dance pedagogy, with focus on flamenco, at the School of dance and circus in Stockholm (Uniarts), and has an educators qualification from there. 
Advanced level studies in Performative critique at Uniarts, Stockholm

Current artistic practice:
Investigations, projects, collaborations at Tuuraladans
Teaching at Järfälla kulturskola; Community arts school of Järfälla.

Tanjas work has evolved with support of Stockholm stad, Kulturrådet, Tensta dansar, Spånga-Tensta stadsdelsförvaltning, Järva stadsdelsförvaltning and Self-support.

+4673-619 74 23
Facebook: Tanja Tuurala

Member of Danscentrum, Svensk scenkonst, Lärarförbundet

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