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                                                                    Dance students performing on stage

I have long experience of working with dance pedagogy and courses in different contexts with participators in different ages, children, teens and adults. I have worked in private dance schools, the community art school institution called Kulturskolan in Sweden to self organized workshops and at higher studies. 

Currently: Dance pedagogue at Järfälla kulturskola, community art school for children, youth and young adult. 2008 - .

A selection of work:

Swedish language studies through flamenco dance, Tensta-Hjulsta Kvinnocentrum 

Maj-juni 2012. 

Capodance project, a meeting between Capoeira and contemporary dance. Spring 2012. With support by RSN (Swedenfinnish youth organisation) and Revitalisera mera project. 

Flamenco teaching at Danscompagniet, Stockholm, workshops and self organized.

In academic context:

– Teaching at BA level

– Workshop in the module Konst, kropp och kultur; art, body and culture year 2013 and 2015. For Dance educator studies year 1undergraduate level, at the institution of dance education. The School of Dance and Circus, Stockholm, course responsible: Katarina Lion

– Workshop in the module Skapa; Create 2009, Dance educator studies, undergraduate level, year 2. The School of Dance and Circus, Stockholm, course responsible Fia Fredricson-Flodin

– Workshop in the module Dance didactics 3, in flamenco 2010, Dance educator studies, undergraduate year 3. The School of Dance and Circus, Stockholm, course responsible Beata Alving 

– Education work Preparation year for higher studies

– Tensta arkitekturskola KTH – Tensta School of architecture KTH, Kungliga tekniska högskolan, KTH. A Royal Institute of Technology, branch. Workshops 2010 - 2015:  Workshop 1) Environments, movement and sensing

– Workshop 2) Study of space and movement

– Course responsible: Stefan Petersson


Member of the network Tensta dansar since 2013. A network that wants to promote dance and choreography in different forms, the known and the unknown, available to be participated in and experienced, in the socioeconomically challenged area of Tensta.

2006  Project Manager and art director for DansBox Tensta Dance Festival in the TenstaBo-06 fair

2006–2007  Student Representative in Artistic Development and Research Council at the Dance and Circus School in Stockholm. 

2001–2003  Member of the Board of the Swedish Flamenco Association 

Tanjas Education:

2015–2016  Performative criticism, Stockholm university of the arts

2005–2007  Dance pedagogue and flamenco studies, professional development, Dance and Circus School in Stockholm 

1997–1998 Modern and Contemporary dance at Instituto Del Teatre, Barcelona, Spain

1994–1997 Bachelor of the arts in contemporary dance, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of music and dance, London 

Off academic studies

Flamenco in multiple contexts Stockholm, London, Barcelona up to professional level, HipHop, multiple contexts in Stockholm. 

Language skills: 

Swedish, Finnish, English and Spanish. 

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